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Thursday, September 30, 2010


OBJECTIVE: Students will learn to vary word choice in their writing. Students will know they have learned this when they can recognize overly used words in their writing and replace them with a synonym. 

Use the TAG strategy to answer the following:
Explain Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones’ treatment of Roger. Support your response with two details from the text.

  • Review Do Now
  • Sensory language/Overly used words
  • Personal Narrative: Write 3 body paragraphs, each paragraph should be 3-5 sentences in length

Exit Ticket: Share one example of how you used a more descriptive synonym to replace an overly used word in your essay.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Thursday, September 30th

Objective: Students will write an introductory paragraph to their essay that includes an attention grabber, details, and thesis statement.

Do Now: 
1. What is a personal narrative?
2. What experience have you chosen to write about in your personal narrative?
3. Why is this experience important to you?

Today's Agenda:
1. Complete "Personal Narrative Organizer": 
2. Think*Pair*Share: Share your My Story worksheet with a partner. 
I will ask some of you to share with the class....2 minutes.
2. Writing a personal narrative essay: sample essay
3. Introductory Paragraph powerpoint
4. Start writing your Introductory Paragraph

EXIT Ticket:
Something I learned today is_________________
Something I am still confused about is__________

Read: your independent reading book for 20-30 minutes. 
Write: 2 examples of characterization from your book, label if they are direct or indirect.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Wednesday, September 28th

Objective: Students will be able to identify 1 example of indirect characterization and 1 example of direct characterization in their independent reading.

1. Who is the protagonist in Thank You M'am?_____________
2. Who is the antagonist in Thank You M'am? _____________
3. What is characterization? _____________________

Today's Agenda:
Thank You M'am: Video Clip

  • Complete STEAL characterization chart for one of the characters in Thank You M'am.
  • Complete "My Story" worksheet. 
  • Think*Pair*Share- exchange "My Story" worksheets. 
    • Ask: Why did you choose to write about this experience? 
    • Why is this experience important to you?
  • Independent Reading Time (Silent Reading):
    •  Find 1 example of direct and indirect characterization in your independent reading. 

Monday, September 27, 2010

Tuesday, September 28th

Objective: Students will analyze character traits by identifying 5 different ways the author reveals the characters in Thank You M'am.

DO NOW: Answer the following questions in 3-5 sentences. 
Why are some people tempted to steal? Why do some people give into temptations while others resist it?

Today's Agenda:
  • Characterization: Direct vs. Indirect
  • Harlem Renaissance: video clipsvideo 2
  • Shared Reading: Thank You M'am
  • During Reading: Use Post-It notes to identify where the author uses indirect characterization to reveal the personalities of M'am and Roger.
  • After Reading: complete characterization charts for M'am and Roger.
Exit Ticket:
Identify if the sentence is an example of direct or indirect characterization:
1. "Her smile instantly made the irate customer feel calm and at ease" _____________
2. "The cruel teacher informed the class that everyone would fail"________________
3. "The old man's clothes were torn, dirty and falling apart"___________________

Create your own example of a direct and indirect sentence:
1. direct: 
2. indirect: 
Homework: Complete "My Story" worksheet for personal narrative. Due Thursday.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Monday, September 27th

Objective: Students will learn how to write a personal narrative. They will know they have learned this when they have completed each step of the writing process: a prewriting activity, a draft, a revision, and a final personal narrative.
DO NOW: Respond to the following questions in 3-5 sentences. “What is an identity? What does it mean to have a strong identity?”

  • What is a personal narrative? A personal narrative is a story about something that has happened to YOU.
  • What are some important events we remember?
  • "This I believe..."

  • Brainstorm a LIST of important, personal experiences that have happened in your life. Try to come up with at least 5 experiences. 
  • Important Moments worksheet

EXIT TICKET: How did the events you write about help make you who you are today?

Complete "Important Moments" worksheet.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Friday, September 24th

 Objective: Today students will practice visualizing a scene from a story. Students will know they have learned this when they can recreate one scene from The Most Dangerous Game and answer 5 questions about it.

1. Draw a line down the middle of your paper
2. on the left side of the line write: WHAT HAPPENED, on the right write: WHAT I FELT
3. on the left side list important events from The Most Dangerous Game in order
4. on the right side, write how you felt as you read about these events

Today's AGENDA: 

Bookseller's Day- October 15th
Examples for visual aid: 
Speak Trailer

Freeze the Scene:
1. with your group choose a scene from The Most Dangerous Game.
2. Freeze the action of that scene
3. Reporter: a reporter will tap one of the frozen characters and ask him/her a question
4. Students will then guess what scene the pair has frozen.


Exit Ticket: What do you know or understand now about this story that you didn't know or understand before?

HOMEWORK: Complete the study packet for The Most Dangerous Game. 
Have a great weekend and find time to read your independent reading book:)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Thursday, September 23rd

Objective: Students will be able to identify the climax of The Most Dangerous Game.

Do Now: Define-  PROTAGONIST , ANTAGONIST (give an example of a protagonist and an antagonist from a favorite story or movie). 

Who is the antagonist in "The Wizard of Oz"? 
Shared Reading: The Most Dangerous Game

During Reading: Use a Post It Note to mark where the CLIMAX occurs in the story.

After Reading: 
Directions: choose one of the writing activities below. Incorporate 3  vocabulary words into your response. Each response must be 15-20 sentences in length.

1. Describe a time you felt "hunted." Who or what were you trying to avoid? Did they track you down?

2. Pretend you are General Zaroff. Create a diary entry revealing your inner thoughts about the events that occur on Ship Trap Island. 

3. Write an alternative ending to The Most Dangerous Game.

Exit Ticket: What is the climax of the story?

HOMEWORK: The Most Dangerous Game study packet is DUE MONDAY.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Wednesday, September 22nd

Objective: Today we will learn the function of a protagonist and antagonist in a story. You will know you have learned this when you can identify the protagonist and antagonist in The Most Dangerous Game.

Do Now: Write a response to the following question using the TAG strategy:
Explain General Zaroff’s reasons for stocking the island with the most dangerous of all game animals. Use at least two examples from the text to support your response.

Shared Reading: The Most Dangerous Game 
audio pg 17
  • During Reading: Use Post It notes to mark one sentence or paragraph where the writer creates SUSPENSE
  • After Reading: Making Connections: General Zaroff is a very dark and psychotic character. Can you think of a real-life villain that committed a deranged or morbid act? 

Exit Ticket: Describe the "rising action" in the plot of The Most Dangerous Game.

1. Read Independent book for 20-30 minutes. Make a prediction about what will happen next.
2. Work on The Most Dangerous Game study packet...DUE MONDAY (no exceptions!!!!)

Monday, September 20, 2010

Tuesday, September 21st

Objective: Students will be able to compare and contrast two characters by completing a venn diagram comparing Zaroff and Rainsford.

DO NOW: Describe Rainsford in one word. Describe Zaroff in one word.


  • T-chart: List what you know about Rainsford. Then, list what you know about General Zaroff.
  • Read: The Most Dangerous Game audio
  • During Reading: find 2 sentences or quotes that reveal something about the characters.
  • Exit Ticket: Make a prediction about what will happen next!


  • Work on The Most Dangerous Game study packet. DUE MONDAY, Sept 27th.
  • Read from independent reading book for 20-30 minutes. Write: Describe a conflict faced by a character in your book.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Monday, September 20th

Objective: Student will be able to diagram the plot of The Most Dangerous Game and identify at least one instance of foreshadowing in the story.

DO NOW What are the different definitions of the word game?

  • Predict: Based on the title The Most Dangerous Game, make a prediction about the story.
  • Anticipation Guide
  • Begin reading The Most Dangerous Game

During Reading: Find examples of foreshadowing

Exit question: Make a prediction about what will happen next.
Homework: The Most Dangerous Game study packet, DUE MONDAY, September 27th

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Monday, September 20th

Anticipation Guide
Compare your answers with a partner

EXIT TICKET: Predict what the title "The Most Dangerous Game" might mean.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

FRIDAY, September 17th

OBJECTIVE: Today we will learn how to use the TAG strategy to write a constructed response. 

Please have your homework on your desk and ready to be collected.
Which one of the following answers is the best response to this question: 
What are your two favorite colors? Explain why each is your favorite.
a. My two favorite colors are blue and green. Blue is my favorite color because it reminds me of the ocean and I love the beach. The color green reminds me of St. Patrick's Day, one of my favorite holidays. 
b. Blue and Green are my favorite colors. 
c. I like the color blue because it has a calming effect. Blue reminds me of a peaceful sky and tranquil ocean. I also wear a lot of blue clothing.

Writing a constructive response using the TAG strategy:

Step 1 : Read the question and identify the different parts of the question

Step 2: Read the article and circle or highlight any information that will help you answer the question.

Step 3: Use the TAG strategy to write a response to the question. 

Turn the question into a statement

Answer the question

Give examples and evidence (Proof, facts, quotes)

Constructing a Writing Response 

EXIT TICKET: Describe one thing you learned in class today.

HOMEWORK: Read your independent reading book for 20-30 minutes this weekend. In your notebook, summarize what you have read in 2 sentences.


Thursday, September 16th

OBJECTIVE: Today we learn how to identify flashback and foreshadowing in a story. You will know you have learned this when you can identify 1 example of each in your independent reading. 

Do Now: List and explain the 5 elements of plot. 

Think*Pair*Share: What is flashback? What is foreshadowing?
Flashback and Foreshadowing: Writers play with time in a story by by using flashback and foreshadowing.
Flashback vs. Foreshadowing

Independent work: In your notebook, use one of the examples of foreshadowing to write a creative story. You may change the wording of the example you use.  
Your story must be 10-15 sentences in length. 
Include the 5 elements of plot in your story!

We will share our stories!

Exit Ticket: 
1. What is one new thing you learned in English 1 today? 
2. What confused you? 

HOMEWORK: Spend 20-30 minutes reading your independent reading book. In your notebook, write the exposition (introduction) of the book. BONUS: Include any examples of Flashback or Foreshadowing you find in your reading. 10 points

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Wednesday, September 15th

OBJECTIVE: Today we will learn the 5 major parts of a plot. You will know you have learned this when you are able to diagram the 5 parts of plot in a fairy tale or movie.


DO NOW: Why might a person use the expression: "The plot thickens"?

Discuss the 5 major parts of a plot
5 Parts of a Plot

Plot Notes 

Whole class activity: Draw a Plot Diagram for "Cinderella"

Partner activity: Draw a Plot Diagram for "Little Red Riding Hood"
Little Red Riding Hood 

Exit Ticket: Which of the 5 parts of plot do you think is most important? Why? 

HOMEWORK: Watch a television show tonight (your choice of the show!) While you watch, diagram the plot of the episode.
Plot Homework 
  • Due tomorrow
  • 10 points

Monday, September 13, 2010

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Objective: Today we will learn how to preview a book. You will know you have learned this when you are able to predict the plot of a book.

DO NOW: How do you choose a book to read for pleasure? What makes a book appear interesting to you?

Bookseller's Day assignment- Due Date: Friday, October 15th.
Bookseller's Day Assignment

Preview a book for independent reading.

Exit Ticket: Why did you choose (write the title of your book) for your independent reading assignment?

HOMEWORK: Please bring in your reading book for tomorrow....and EVERYDAY!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


English 1
Teacher- Ms. Petruzzelli
Room 209 (IMC)

Welcome to English 1! 
Please click here to download the syllabus:
English 1 syllabus

Materials you will need: 
  • 1" binder (to keep in class)
  • Journal (notebook)
  • Post-It notes
  • A book of your choice!!! (age appropriate, 150 page minimum)

Independent Reading: 
You will need to choose a book you are interested in reading and bring it to class EVERYDAY! It can be any book you want to read (so make sure you find the book interesting!). The book must be age appropriate and at least 150 pages in length.

Click the links below for book recommendations: